The only ALL-IN-ONE tool for your fitness and nutrition

needs for over 50's

Fit-Agent. Personal. Tailored

We created the most advanced, A.I. Driven system where everything is in one place. All your personal metrics, all your training programs, all your recipes, all your meal plans. All the information, motivation and inspiration you would ever need to train better, cook and eat healthier, lose weight, build muscle and look and feel better.



Pause or cancel any time.

Any Langauge


The most advanced A.I Fitness Coach and Motivational Assistant anywhere online

Unlimited benefits

Get unlimited tailormade trainingprograms. Unlimited meal plans. Unlimited motivation

FitOver50 Membership:

What You Will Get

Unlimited everything

  • Unlimited tailormade training programs for home and gym
  • Unlimited Pilates and Calisthenics plans
  • Unlimited tailormade meal plans
  • Unlimited delicious weight loss recipes
  • Unlimited motivation and inspiration
  • The fastest Automated Calorie Recorder for all exercises and meals
  • Full Progress reports and graphs weekly
  • Training technique videos for every exercise

That's not all

  • Flexibility to Pause or Cancel at any time
  • Free access to our members only VIP facebook group to surround yourself with like minded individuals.
  • Automatic Calorie Re-Calculator as your weight changes
  • Available in any language
  • Unlimited Q&A for all your questions 24/7
  • Blog full of articles about fitness, health, motivation, recipes and food

Our cutting edge software (Called FitAgent) provides unprecented Calorie logging, training plans of any type, motivation, inspiration, meal plans, exercise examples and recipes all in one single interface.

How is this different ?

Your body changes constantly while training which means:

  • Our cutting edge software automatically adapts your meal plan every time you change your weight, based on your goal
  • Our software automatically adapts your recipes to your new meal plan and weight and goal
  • Our software automatically adjusts Your Calorie Needs to your new weight and goal
  • Similarly on something large like a goal change, your Calorie needs, meal plan and recipes are all automatically adjusted for your new goal. No need to lift a finger.

Why is the continuous calculation important?

Let us take an example: Say your goal is to lose weight, meaning you need to eat fewer calories than your body burns every day OR you need to burn additional Calories based on what you have eaten for both of these:

1. You need to know your Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) in Calories, based on your weight, gender, type of activity per day and your fat percentage.

2. You need to know your Daily Calorie Intake

3. You need to know your Daily Protein intake

4. You need to know how many Calories you burn daily, depending on your goal: either moderate and slow weight loss.

4. Having this information, we can now determine how many Calories you need to consume per day, to get to your target.

(Similarly if you want to gain muscle, and whether your goal is beginner or intermediate)

All of these calculations are done automatically for you whenever you add any data to the system.

Meaning your TDEE is recalculated, changing your protein and Calorie intake automatically.

So at any given time, looking at your stats, based on your goal, you will know exactly what you need to eat and how you need to exercise to achieve your goal.

How do i know how many calories I consumed?

You simply upload a photo of your food or tell our FitAgent (the system) what you ate or what you did. It is that simple.

The FitAgent automatically calculates the Calories consumed or Calories burned and adds the data to your profile automatically.

Here are some examples of how easy and quick it is to record food intake and exercise:

Simply Upload an image of your lunch and ask the system (FitAgent) to save it as Lunch.

  • Tell the FitAgent: "Save my lunch: Tuna salad with mayonaise"
  • Tell the FitAgent: "My Dinner for last tuesday consisted of: A bowl of curry coconut soup, vegetables and noodles".
  • Tell the FitAgent: "At four pm today I had 4 beers, a big Mac and medium fries".

  • Tell the FitAgent: "I cycled for 90 minutes today at an average of 40km/h"
  • Tell the FitAgent: "I walked the dog for 20 mins"
  • Tell the FitAgent: "Yesterday at 6pm I did HIIT training for 25 mins, and then I did stationary cycling for 20 mins at an easy pace"

In all cases above, the FitAgent will respond with the total calories and protein, and save the data together with the correct date, the description and type and the Calories and Protein consumed or burned and update your daily stats.

Watch the Video below to see an example of how easy it is to update your data.

Membership Pricing

Unlimited Membership

Monthly payment of


  • Unlimited Gym & Home Workouts
  • Unlimited Meal Plans
  • Unlimited Recipes
  • Unlimited Tutorial Videos
  • Unlimited Step by Step Instructions
  • Unlimited Motivation and Inspiration
  • Unlimited Exercise Swaps
  • Unlimited Food Swaps
  • Unlimited Goal Changes
  • Unlimited Workout Changes
  • Unlimited Mobility Routines
  • Unlimited Calisthenics and Pilates plans
  • Pause or Cancel any time
  • Fastest and Easiest Calorie Recorder
  • Automated Data integration
  • Automated Statistics and Progress Reports
  • Members only VIP facebook group
  • Blog Articles
  • 10 Languages

Unlimited Premium Membership

Monthly payment of


  • Everything in the Unlimited Membership


  • One on One sessions with your coach, broken down into 4 x 15 minute sessions totalling One hour per month


  • You want a trusted expert to accelerate your results
  • Have specific fitness goals (lose fat, build muscle, body recomposition, etc.) and need motivation to hit it.
  • Need specific tailored mobility and/or rehab routines
  • Want to take their health and fitness to the next level and get rid of any training guesswork
  • Want to start and keep healthy training and nutrition for the long run

(This plan provides personal tailored advice and analysis on all your weekly activities, eating habits, progress and statistics, and includes your personal exercise and nutrition step-by-steps for the next week)

The only training and nutrition membership you will ever need

Yes I want to join!

By clicking "Submit" below you agree that we may collect and use your email/phone number to discuss your account & share additional services or products via email, phone or text as set forth in our Privacy Policy, You also agree to our Terms & Conditions. Your data is 100% secured and will never be shared. You can easliy Pause or Cancel your monthly membership.